I'm back, well, sort of, soon...
Just trying to create some order out of disorder. I need some good tunes wouldn't you say?
it nearly did me in, BUT,
the floors are finished!
good job Dave & friends, what were we thinking???, it's been nearly a year long process, they look amazing though, AND no more walking on plastic!!!
We will be moving the furniture back in soon. I'm excited, and a little overwhelmed at putting our home*sweet*home back together again - could someone please send over all the king's horses and all the king's men?
Things are looking up...
- our car is back and fixed
- I am sleeping in my own bed again (We've been all around while the floors got their finishing treatments - a Bed and Breakfast, the neighbor on the corner's guest room, and the Holiday Inn Express. We are still eating takeout in the attic.)
- my sister Hillary is here