Monday, August 18, 2008

jump rope

Did you know I've taken up jump roping? I like it both outdoors in the fresh air or indoors (yes I can pull it off in my kitchen) with a little music. So imagine my happiness when I came across this joyful jump rope fabric from sproutdesign. I LOVE it! I want to hold it. I want to sew it. I'm already imagining the many ways I could put a bit of it to good use. Don't we need a jump rope pillow in this house? M'boy, would you like me to sew some jump ropers in a quilt for you? I thought so.


H.Cook said...

oooo! I love that fabric! I need to come jump rope with you.

Sarah Starr Alleman Smith said...

Hatsuho, please do! Just know I'm no pro.

Annie said...

I have to know, how long can jump rope? I may need some of that fabulous fabric. Maybe that will inspire to start jumping again.

Ammieloris said...

Cute! (You must not shop for fabric at JoAnn's. Oy, maybe I shouldn't have said that... I'm quite JoAnn's weary.)